Information on AIB Group Holding Company

The establishment of a holding company is a corporate reorganisation for AIB, giving effect to a regulatory decision taken by the Single Resolution Board and the Bank of England under the EU Recovery and Resolution Directive. This reorganisation will have no impact whatsoever on our customers or our day-to-day operations.


Please click on button below for more information

Results of Court Meeting and  EGM

AIB Bank Scheme Circular

AIB Forms of Proxy

AIB HoldCo Prospectus

Consent letters referred to in AIB HoldCo Prospectus

AIB Bank Memorandum and Articles

AIB HoldCo Memorandum and Articles

Comparison of the AIB Bank Memorandum and Articles and the AIB HoldCo Memorandum and Articles

AIB Bank 2017 Half-Year Financial Report

AIB Bank IPO Prospectus