Useful Links & Documents
Useful Links
A dedicated unit withinAIB Corporate Banking Ireland solely focused on Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland.
Financial research in forex and fixed income markets, and research on Irish and international economies.
Your first point of reference to find out more about our export products and services.
For businesses using ecommerce as an export channel, AIB Merchant Services can enable the acceptance pf card payments online and over the phone, with dynamic currency conversion and multicurrency processing.
Investigate potential seed capital funding for your business.
Connector between Iridh Food and Drink and possible customers throughout the world.
Business Access to State Information and ServicesInformation on support packages available to Irish businesses is available from the Government's website - Business Access to State Information and Services.
British Irish Chamber of Commerce
Represents both sides of the Irish Sea that are focused on Ireland's economic development.
A business organisation - a chamber consists of local business representatives who join together to promote the economic and social development of their community.
Department of Jobs, Enterprise and InnovationFor information on government agencies and employment law.
SME online search tool for over 80 Government supports.
As an AIB Business customer, if you open a new DHL Express account, DHL Express will give you at least 50% off their standard tariff for international shipping for 12 months. DHL Express Terms and conditions apply.
Global market leader in the international express business and specialise in the door-to-door delivery of documents and parcels to over 220 countries and territories worldwide.
Provides links to overseas connections for businesses to be able to operate trans-nationally.
Government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. Advice, guidance and support for new, first time Irish exporters and early exporters looking to Export.
Represent the general interest of the EU and operate as the main force in implementing EU laws and policies as well as pushing forward new legislation.
Access to European Small Business PortalPortal is used to put together all EU advice and issues for SME's.
International Chamber of CommerceThe ICC is a world business organisation that promotes an open International Trade and Investment System. It is an authority on International Trade and has created many of the standards that govern International Trade. It also offers many other services to businesses in various countries and sectors.
Organisation responsible for promoting business growth through cross-border trading for SMEs in both Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC)National voice of business and employees and is the umbrella body for Ireland's leading sector groups and associations.
The Irish Exporters Association(IEA) is the "voice of Export Industry" in Ireland, the "connecting force for Irish exports" and the "source of practical knowledge". The IEA represents the whole spectrum of companies within the export industry including SME's who are beginning to think about exporting for the first time right through to global multinational companies who are already extensively exporting from Ireland.
Main role is to provide general information on the procedures required for Irish/EU Businesses who intedn to operate in Ireland.
Operates as "first stop shop" for any person in Ireland looking for information and assistance on starting or growing a business in Ireland.
National Standards Authority of Ireland SME PortalNSAI are dedicated to SME's and want to show SME's the benefits of standardisation.
Office of Government Procurement
Operates as an office within the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER). Main aim is to centralise public sector procurement arrangements for goods and services in Ireland.
Actively work with businesses in a wide range of industry sectors to address current and future skill needs. training is subsidised.
Skillnets Management Works ProgrammeManagement development training combined with mentoring support for SME managers, which aims to assist SMEs to grow in terms of their sales, output and employment.
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The Trade Finance portal is called Trade Access.
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