Introducing the AIB Cash Management Team

The AIB Cash Management team helps to implement complete payment solutions for companies trading internationally and domestically. Our specialist team will take time to understand your specific business requirements with the aim of helping you streamline processes and optimise your cash positions more effectively.
Our experienced team works extensively with customers across a variety of sectors including Agriculture, Technology, Telecommunications and Insurance amongst others. We also provide comprehensive file testing, training and ongoing support across all of our cash management products and services.

In addition we offer:

  • A range of currency accounts to support more efficient and streamlined payments and collections. These can be accessed via iBusiness Banking (iBB), our online banking platform
  • The ability to process urgent and non-urgent, domestic and international payments in a secure fashion
  • A file upload service for your supplier payments in euro and foreign currencies
  • Processing of SEPA Direct Debits which can be used to collect euros domestically and throughout Europe in a single file
  • Reconciliation reports as well as the ability to deliver bank account information abroad via SWIFT MT940
  • A dedicated Cash Management customer services team tasked with providing an efficient, hands on service.

If you are interested in any aspect of our Cash Management services please contact us directly at +353 (0)1 6417311.

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Cash Management full product descriptions

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SEPA Direct debits

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Payment files

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Direct file submission