
Top Ten Safe Driving Tips for Young Drivers

Person sitting in the drivers seat of a car fastening seat belt.

In order to get the best car insurance cover, you need to know how to drive as safely as you can. To help you along the way, AIB Car Insurance brings you our top ten safe driving tips for those purchasing car insurance for young and first time drivers. Use this guide to help you reduce your premium by staying safe while driving on Irish roads.

Using your mobile phone

Gone are the days where texting while driving is acceptable. Therefore, you must keep your eyes on the road and save responding to that text until you reach your destination. For taking calls, ensure you have a Bluetooth hands-free installed and that it’s working. This will both keep you safe and help you avoid getting unwanted penalty points.

Keep your vision clear

Although it’s nice to decorate your space, having things dangling from your mirror or sitting on your dashboard are potentially a dangerous distraction and should be avoided if possible. No matter how cute or cool they are…

Getting ready in your car

Your car mirrors are there for your safety and vision while driving, not for you to check your eyeliner or hairstyle. This will increase your likelihood of having an accident which will in turn affect your renewal premium.

Don’t get distracted by ‘the chats’

While it’s great that you can give your friends lifts or go for a spin with them, also keep your focus on the road and remember driving should be taken seriously at all times. Ensure that the interactions you have in the car don’t take your focus off the road.

Expect the unexpected

No one likes to be always thinking the worst. However, problems are unfortunately a part of driving. Make sure you’ve everything you need from your spare wheel to a first aid kit and your jack. You’ll be glad if something goes wrong.

Keep an eye on your oil level

Avoid blowing your engine and make sure you maintain your oil. Each time you fill up check your levels and make sure you’re changing it on time.

Ensure your tyre pressure’s correct

If your tyres are under inflated, they wear down more quickly and also present more of a danger of blowing out and causing an accident. To find out the correct pressure levels, see the vehicles manual which can usually be found inside the car.

Look at your mirrors

Your cars mirrors are there to keep you safe. If they’re cracked, make sure to have them repaired and use them regularly to keep track of what other traffic around you is doing.

Keep your focus on the road and not your music

There are some great driving tunes and whether it’s a classic or the latest chart topper, we all have our favourites. However, it’s important that your focus on the road never gets knocked off the top spot in terms of your priorities.

Watch your speed

There’s an amazing feeling of freedom that comes with hitting the open road. It’s important to remember though that driving is a serious thing and that it can be very dangerous at times. Keep your eyes on speed limits and your own speed at all times.

Stay alert, keep your eyes on the road and follow these directions on avoid driving distractions to reduce your risk of an accident. To get a Car Insurance quote online today from AIB, just click here. For Car Insurance that meets your needs, make sure to visit AIB Car Insurance.

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