
4 reasons why you should insulate your home

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One of the most effective things you can do for both the planet and your pocket is to look at the way your home uses energy. Insulation is a key step in making your home more comfortable and energy efficient. Below we will outline four key reasons why you should insulate your home.

1. Lower your bills

Naturally, if you are using less energy, you will also be spending less money on your energy bill. Many homes needlessly lose heat. According to the SEAI, you can save up to €600 per year on heating bills by insulating the attic and walls of your home properly.*

2. Save energy

Another fantastic benefit of insulation? You will save energy! As your home is kept warmer in winter, you will use far less energy trying to keep it cosy. A Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI[SH1] ) report states that on average, a home loses 20 - 30% of its heat through the walls. This rises even further if they are not insulated. Up to 30% can be lost through a poorly insulated attic*. Reducing heat loss through your walls will reduce your energy consumption as you will be using your heating less. Improvements can be made in attic, walls and floor insulation, pipe insulation and also by improving  draughts.

3. Be environmentally-friendly

A report on energy efficiency by the SEAI has found that carbon emissions from Irish homes are almost 60% higher than the European average.** The aim is to reduce energy and CO2 emissions coming from the residential sector. By using less energy, you are reducing your carbon footprint. A win for your home, and a win for the planet.

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4. Make your home more attractive to buyers in the future

If you're thinking long-term – insulation is a huge positive for when you sell. Making sure your home is fully insulated can improve your Building Energy Rating (BER) , and therefore makes your home more attractive to buyers down the line.

Check out Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) for more information on insulating your home. We’re lending today to save tomorrow. With a lower rate green personal loan from AIB, you can make your home improvements a sustainable choice, helping to reduce emissions and fight climate change.

*Sourced from Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

**Sourced from   Emissions from Irish homes 60% higher than in Europe (

Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Personal loans are only available to over 18s. Subject to approval. Security may be required. Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.


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