Expertise in Food and Agriculture

When it comes to the competitive markets of food and agriculture, our team knows what they are talking about. Whether your business is focussed on dairy, meat processing, consumer foods or a leading global PLC, we’re ready to help.

We have been there for our customers in the agri-food sector for many decades and have helped our customers develop new markets and products to achieve their growth ambitions.

As a team focussed exclusively on the food & agri sector, we understand the dynamics of the industry. This has made it possible for us to help our customers prosper during the inevitable market cycles and to build long term relationships.

We understand the financing needs of companies operating in this industry and we use our experience to provide tailored financial solutions.

Profile photo of Tony Murphy AIB Corporate Banking

Tony Murphy

AIB Corporate Banking

Phone: 01 6414221

Profile photo of Louise Ward AIB Corporate Banking

Louise Ward

AIB Corporate Banking

Phone: 01 6413308

Cow in greed field with blue sky


Steaks on packaging tray

Meat and Consumer Foods

Technician checking milk on production line

Irish PLCs and Institutional Companies

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Providing investment and funding solutions to corporate customers seeking to grow. 

Some of the customers we've partnered with