
Anna Geary makes #TheToughest journey for the love of Milford Camogie

Camogie team training

For Anna Geary, the now retired Cork camogie captain and long-serving Milford club servant, the quest for another All-Ireland title continued in 2016.

Twice a week, the camogie legend takes her body, marked with scars from previous club campaigns with the Munster champions, from Dublin to Cork on a six hour journey, all for the love of the game and her parish. She could easily say no - she has her All-Ireland medals, she’s living far from home and her knee, racked with tendinitis, screams at her to rest and recover, but Geary knows that the pain in her knee tells her just one thing: keep going.

This is not just Geary’s story of sacrifice, of dedication, and of hundreds of lonely miles between Dublin and the Cork/Limerick border.

This is the story of every club player, of every club, of The Toughest journey everyone takes on the road to the greatest glory.