The SBCI Brexit Impact and Covid-19 Loan Schemes are now closed for new applications.
We know that as you try to manage your business’s future, there may be challenges along the way.
That’s why we’ve partnered with the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) to bring you the SBCI Brexit Impact Loan & COVID-19 Loan Schemes.
Consider the SBCI Brexit Loan Scheme, if your business has been affected by Brexit and COVID-19. |
Consider the SBCI Covid Loan Scheme, if your business has been affected by COVID.
We're here to help
Contact your Branch, Relationship Manager or call Direct Business Advisors on 0818 47 88 33, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm with your Customer Eligibility Code (available from SBCI) to begin your loan application.
Important / Regulatory Information
WARNING: The entire amount you have borrowed will still be outstanding at the end of the interest-only period.
WARNING: You may have to pay charges if you repay early, in full or in part, a fixed-rate credit facility.
AIB will not apply charges if you repay an SBCI Brexit Loan & COVID-19 Working Capital facility early.
The Brexit Loan & COVID-19 Working Capital Scheme is being offered by the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland in partnership with the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, the Department of Agriculture and the Marine and is supported by the InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility, with the financial backing of the European Union under Horizon 2020 Financial Instruments and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) set up under the Investment Plan for Europe. The purpose of EFSI is to help support financing and implementing productive investments in the European Union and to ensure increased access to financing.
It is important to be aware that AIB is obliged to share personal information about successful applicants with the SBCI and this information will also be shared with EU Bodies and State Bodies. This will be done with regard to obligations under data protection legislation. You can read our Data Protection – Use of Information Notice by visiting our website or contact us directly for more information on how we use your information.
For information on how the SBCI handles personal data, including information about your data protection rights (in respect of the SBCI) and the contact details of the SBCI’s data protection officer, please refer to the SBCI’s data protection statement.
You also need to be aware that you will need to keep and be able to produce all documents relating to the SBCI Brexit Loan & COVID-19 Working Capital Scheme for a period of 7 years from the end of your loan.
If you provide false information in relation to your eligibility for the Scheme or the amount of State Aid received, AIB are obliged to share this information with the SBCI who may take further action. This may also result in the termination of your loan facility and a demand for early repayment in full.
Lending Criteria, terms and conditions apply. Credit facilities are subject to repayment capacity and financial status and are not available to persons under 18 years of age. Security may be required.