Make and Receive Payments
AIB offer a range of methods to make and receive payments both domestically and internationally.

SEPA Payments
Electronic SEPA payments are an efficient and cost effective way of transferring euros in the SEPA zone (including Ireland) which offers businesses:
- Flexible and fast delivery of payments
- Multiple payment channels
- Save time and money
You can find more information about SEPA here

International payments
AIB offers a range of international payment services to meet your business needs both via our branch network and electronically. Make payments from your own accounts in all major currencies to most destinations worldwide on a standard or urgent basis using these options via iBB, internet banking, self-service kiosks, Tablet Banking, Mobile Banking or by paper application in branch.
Standard priority is paid value spot (i.e. 2 business days forward) and urgent priority is paid same day or next day value subject to the payment currency.
Bulk Payment Files
You can benefit from a range of electronic payment file services that are efficient, secure and cost effective. The payment files service allows you to upload:
We also provide a facility to upload multicurrency (MCY) payment files. A multicurrency file is one that can contain both payments within the SEPA zone and international payments outside of the SEPA zone.

AIB Merchant Services
AIB Merchant Services is one of Ireland’s largest providers of payment solutions, with extensive operations in Ireland and Britain, and with card processing capabilities throughout continental Europe. We process millions of payments every day, and deal with every major credit and debit card accepting payments in every channel we can. In a rapidly transforming industry, we remain at the cutting edge consistently providing superior customer service.