Ways to get in touch

You can contact us in a number of ways. Fill in the relevant enquiry form, find the AIB phone number you need or ask us to call you back.



Email us

For security reasons we don’t have a general banking enquiry email address.

You can email us about:

For other queries, you’ll need to get in touch with by calling us or visiting your nearest branch.


Find your local branch


Frequently Asked Questions

Useful phone numbers

AIB Head Office

+353 (0) 1 6600311

iBB Helpline

0818 72 00 00 / +353 1 641 4889 (Outside of Ireland)
Mon - Fri 09:00- 17:00

Internet Banking

0818 724 724 / +353 (0) 1 771 24 24 (Outside of Ireland)
09:00 – 17:00

AIB Business Advisor Team

0818 478833 / +353 (0)1 77 15618 (Outside of Ireland)
Mon - Fri 09:00 – 17:00

Lost or stolen Credit Cards

1800 242227 / +353 1 6685500

Open 24/7

Lost or stolen ATM/Debit Cards

1800 242227 / +353 (0) 1 2695022

Open 24/7


0818 404204

AIB Commercial Finance (Invoice Finance)

+353(0) 1 7724488

Security or Fraud

Please note that AIB NEVER requests any login or personal details via email.
If you have received an email asking for your Internet Banking / iBusiness Banking details please forward the email you received to alert@aib.ie and then immediately delete the email. DO NOT click on any links in the email.

This email address (alert@aib.ie) is a collection point for notifications of potential ONLINE FRAUD (for example if you receive an email that appears to be from AIB, which you believe to be bogus) and/or INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY issues relating to AIB Group. Our security team will not forward and/or manage emails relating to customer banking queries.

For further information regarding security and online banking please visit our Security Centre

If you are concerned about suspicious activity on your AIB bank account(s), please bring this matter to the attention of your Relationship Manager in your account holding Branch.