Useful tools on your ESG journey
AIB Sustainability Changemakers Content Series
The series takes us on a journey to learn from those leading the way for sustainable businesses in Ireland. Join AIB Sustainability Conference host, Dearbhail McDonald, as she meets the Sustainability Changemakers. It’s Time to Act.
Help at hand
Finance for a green initative, government grant support, stories of success, the retail handbook and much more.
Benefits of becoming a greener business
Ways to become a greener business
We all have a role to play in the fight against climate change. Read on to find out more about how your business can support and where to get help.
Green changes your business can make
Enterprise Ireland support
SEAI support for SMEs
Local Enterprise: green for micro
We’re with farmers to DO MORE
Our programme of initiatives specifically designed to help you grow and develop your business in a sustainable manner.
Improve on-farm sustainability
Sponsorship of AgTechUCD
Agri matters: Summer 2023 edition
As the saying goes ‘No two years are the same’ and this certainly applies to the Agri sector. In this edition of Agri Matters, Donal Whelton reflects on the year to date for each sector and how each is positioned going into the second half of the year. We have our regular feature from Siobhan Kavanagh of Teagasc, who profiles the New Signpost Advisory Programme. We have included an article from Diarmuid Donnellan, Head of Sustainability for Agriculture, Food & Fisheries, who gives his perspective as a judge for the Grass10 competition.
Need finance for your farm business? Click below to find out more.
Investing in energy efficient solutions for your business
Investing in insulation, efficient lighting and heating systems can save you money for years to come.
One of the easiest ways to save your business money
We Pledge To DO MORE
Over the last number of years we have been working to build a more sustainable business. We've invested in wind energy projects, launch a €10 billion climate action fund and created a green mortgage.
And yet, it's still not enough. And we will keep telling ourselves that every day. AIB alone is not the solution to climate change, but we are doing everything we can to be a part of it.