We have partnered with the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) to bring you loans under the Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme (GSLS).
This Scheme, which benefits from a guarantee from the European Investment Bank Group (EIB) and support from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), is operated by the SBCI. There are more details on the SBCI Website.
There are two loans offered under the SBCI Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme.
The Growth and Resilience Loan is paused for new applications.
We are still accepting applications for the Climate Action and Environmental and Sustainabilty Loan.
Key features
- A variable rate loan.
- Supporting SMEs with long-term finance to invest in the climate action and environmental sustainability or the growth and resilience of their business.
- Loan terms from seven years up to ten years.
- Amounts of €25,000 up to €3,000,000 are available.
- No security required on loans up to €500,000; loans above €500,000 may be secured.
- Loans are available up to 30 June 2026 or until the scheme has been fully subscribed.
The Scheme at a glance
- Variable interest rate
- Loan amounts from €25,000 - €3,000,000
- Terms from seven years up to ten years
- Unsecured loans up to €500,000
The Growth and Resilience Loan is paused for new applications.
We are still accepting applications for the Climate Action and Environmental and Sustainabilty Loan.
This loan is for long-term investments towards the growth and resilience of the enterprise. Loans will be allowed, subject to eligibility criteria for, but not limited to, the following purposes:
- investments in tangible or intangible assets,
- machinery or equipment,
- research and development,
- business expansion,
- premises improvement,
- process innovation.
Interest Rate
The interest rate on Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability Loans is the SBCI Variable Rate1 plus 1.942% margin.
The interest rate on Growth and Resilience Loans is the SBCI Variable Rate1 plus 2.192% margin.
The interest rate reflects the benefits of the guarantee that has been provided by the European Investment Bank Group (EIB), with support from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) to AIB.
1The SBCI Variable Rate Loan interest rate is a variable interest rate which may change. The SBCI Variable Rate Loan interest rate is set weekly and published on this website.
More information about who the Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme is suitable for.
Who can apply?
To apply for a Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme loan customers must be a viable small or medium sized enterprise (SME), Small Mid-Cap enterprise or Primary Producers (including farmers, fisheries and aquaculture).An SME is defined by the Standard EU definition [Commission Regulation 2003/361/EC] as an enterprise that:
- has fewer than 250 employees
- has a turnover of €50 million or less (or €43 million or less on their balance sheet)
- is independent and autonomous that is, not part of a wider group of enterprises
- has less than 25% of their capital held by public bodies
A Small Mid-Cap is an enterprise that is not an SME but has fewer than 500 employees.A Primary Producer is a person who is engaged in the production, rearing or growing of primary products including harvesting, milking and farmed animal production prior to slaughter. It also includes hunting and fishing and the harvesting of wild products.In addition, in order to be eligible for the Scheme, the business must be both established and operating in the Republic of Ireland. -
How to apply
Step 1 - First, apply for a SBCI Eligibility Code from the SBCI through their online Hub which can be accessed here.Step 2 – Once you have received your SBCI Eligibility Code from the SBCI, you can fill out our SBCI Lending Scheme Online Enquiry Form.
Please note: Under Scheme rules we may need to cease taking applications without notice from certain sectors, for certain loan purposes or if we meet our allocation under the Scheme. Please note that eligibility confirmation from SBCI is not a guarantee of loan approval and no application is guaranteed until it is approved by AIB. -
Excluded and Restricted Sectors
Under Scheme rules, customers in some sectors are excluded from applying.Some of the excluded sectors are listed below, see full list of Excluded and Restricted Sectors here.MINING AND QUARRYINGExtraction of natural gasSupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionMANUFACTURINGManufacture of tobacco productsManufacture of weapons and ammunitionREAL ESTATE ACTIVITIESBuying and selling of own real estateARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONGambling and betting activities
State Aid
The Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme operates under the following State aid measures:
De Minimis Regulation
- Small Mid-Caps
- SMEs borrowing funds for climate action and environmental sustainability measures
Article 17 of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)- ·SMEs borrowing funds to invest in growth and resilience measures
Article 29 of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)- SMEs in the fishery and aquaculture sector implementing process and organisational innovation projects
Article 14 of the Agriculture Block Exemption Regulation (ABER)- SMEs active in the primary production of agricultural products
Article 17of the Agriculture Block Exemption Regulation (ABER)- SMEs active in the processing of agricultural products and the marketing of agricultural products
Who cannot apply
- Applying to refinance existing debt.
- Applying to finance pure real estate development activity.
- Applying to finance land or property purchases, including agricultural land.
- Applying to support the purchase of livestock.
- In financial difficulty.
- That are bankrupt or being wound up or having its affairs administered by the courts.
- That have a substantial focus in any of the Excluded or Restricted Sectors
- That are subject to sanctions or engaged in illegal activities.
Other exclusions might apply depending on the applicable State aid Regulation under which the loan is granted.
We're here to help
WARNING: The cost of your repayments may increase |
Important / Regulatory Information
Lending Criteria, terms and conditions apply. Credit facilities are subject to repayment capacity and financial status and are not available to persons under 18 years of age. Security may be required.