A credit card can be a very useful financial tool, giving you the freedom and peace of mind to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. If you're already an AIB customer, applying is just a few quick steps away.

Documents you will need to provide

aib click credit card

AIB CLICK Credit Card

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be visa

'be' Visa

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platinum visa card

Platinum Visa Card

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aib student visa card

AIB Student Visa Card

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     AIB CLICK Visa Card AIB ‘be’ Visa AIB Platinum   Visa Card AIB Student Visa Card
Annual Bank Fee   No No No No
Introductory annual interest rate on purchases No Yes Yes Yes
Introductory annual interest rate on balance transfers No Yes Yes No
Up to 56 days interest free Yes Yes Yes Yes
Salary Requirements €16,000 €16,000 €40,000 n/a
Online Account Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Apply on Internet Banking

Apply through Internet Banking only

Yes Yes Yes
Cashback Awards No No Yes No
Must pay by direct debit No No No Yes(minimum 3%)
Contactless payments Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobile Payments Yes – Google Pay and Apple Pay Yes – Google Pay and Apple Pay Yes – Google Pay and Apple Pay Yes – Google Pay and Apple Pay
Secure Internet Shopping Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emergency Cash Service Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spread Your Repayments Yes Yes Yes Yes
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If you already have an AIB Credit Card and you are looking to change it to another one of our credit cards, please call us at 0818 724 725.

Using your card abroad:
 Click here to see the exchange rates for non-Euro EU/EEA currencies on credit cards. To view the rates for all other currencies visit the Visa website.

No annual bank fee: a Government stamp duty of €30.00 is charged annually per credit card account. Other charges may apply. 

Special introductory annual interest rate: on purchases (on ‘be’, Platinum or Student) for 12 months from the date your credit card account is opened.

Introductory Balance transfer rate: on balance transfers applies for 12 months from the date the card is opened. ( ‘be’ and Platinum only)

Applicants for an AIB Student Visa Card must be a third level student in full-time education and have or open an AIB Student Plus Account. They must also have held a bank account for a minimum of 3 months, and must be at least 18 years of age.

Up to 56 days interest-free credit: if you pay your balance in full and on time each month you will avoid paying any interest.

Secure Internet shopping: bringing you peace of mind when shopping online with Visa Secure.

Emergency Cash Service: Should you lose your card at home or while abroad, we’ll cancel your card. If you are abroad we can provide you with an Emergency Cash Advance Facility within 48 hours in most countries. (Subject to available credit, fees and charges may apply.)

Our Customer Service staff are available on (01) 6685500 (or +353 1 6685500 from abroad).

Spread your repayments: you decide how much you want to repay from the minimum amount (3% or €6.35, whichever is greater) to the full outstanding balance.

Need help deciding which credit card is right for you?
You can

Simply call 0818 724 725 or +353 1 771 2424 (Outside Ireland) (lines are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm), or drop into any AIB branch. We'll be happy to answer your questions and find the right kind of credit card for you.

For detailed information on the features of each card, please click on the product name to go to the particular product page.

Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Credit facilities are subject to repayment capacity and financial status and are not available to persons under 18 years of age. Government stamp duty of €30 is charged annually per credit card account. For more information, please see our Government Charges page.

Existing AIB Credit Card Customer?

Lost & Stolen Cards

To report your card lost or stolen follow the link here.  Visit our Help Centre for all service related queries.