Everything you need to get started on the AIB app


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The AIB mobile app

Checklist Icon. Check your balance in real time.
Checklist Icon. Safer than using cash.
Checklist Icon. No more queuing.
Checklist Icon. No more paper forms means greener banking.
AIB mobile banking app accounts page.

The AIB mobile app uses 3 credentials to keep your money safe

Registration number

An identifying number we give you when you set up the app.

Personal Access Code

You choose a 5 digit code (PAC).

Your mobile phone

Your mobile phone is the final credential.
Remember, it is important that you never disclose your personal log in information to a third party.





Ready to try the AIB app?

Download the AIB app

The AIB app lets you bank anywhere, at any time. To use AIB mobile banking, you'll need to be registered for AIB phone & internet banking.

Download AIB's mobile app on the Apple App store.        Download AIB's mobile app on the Google Play store.


Log into the AIB app

Step 1: Call us

Call us on 0818 724 020 (+353 1 771 2424 if dialling outside Ireland) to get your registration number and Personal Access Code (PAC).

Step 2: Log in

Once registered, you can log on to AIB Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.

Step 3: Set up SCA

At your first log in, follow the instructions to set up strong customer authentication (SCA).

Start banking today

Take a quick tour about each section of the app.
AIB mobile banking app accounts page.