AIB will never ...

X mark.

 Text you with a link asking you to login to your account on mobile or online banking.

X mark. Ask you to transfer money to any safe or third party accounts.

X mark. Ask you for a One Time Passcode (OTP), card reader codes or Digipsass codes when we contact you.

X mark. Ask you to download software or request remote access to your accounts.

X mark. Ask you to not login to your account for a few days “until we fix a problem”.

What we do to protect you

Secure login

Secure logging in information for both internet banking and mobile banking including steps on how it works - links out to internet and mobile banking webpages for people who may be looking for more information.

We have introduced Push Authentication when contacting our Contact Centre’s for more information please click on Push Authentication Questions and Ansnwers.

Woman sitting at a desk in front of her laptop looking at her phone.
Man looking thoughtfully with computer screen reflected in his glasses.

Encrypted Website

To ensure you can access your accounts over the internet with the utmost confidence, we use the highest levels of industry standard security. As part of this security our connections use TLS1.2, the connection is encrypted using the Advanced Encrytion Standard (AES) and keys are exchanged via Diffe-Hellman ciphers.

Auto time-out and date stamp

This feature aims to protect you against unauthorised access.

Checklist. AIB Internet Banking will automatically log you out after 5 minutes of inactivity and when you log in you will see the details of your last log in.
Checklist. AIB Mobile Banking will automatically log you out after 4 minutes of inactivity.

Man at a desk looking at his watch.
An AIB card reader.

Two Factor Authentication for Transactions

AIB offers extended security which enables customers to access an extensive range of services through AIB Phone and Internet Banking.  More information on Strong Customer Authentication.

Text alerts for cards

We may text you if we see suspicious activity on your credit or debit card. The text will come from these numbers 

Checklist. For Debit Cards the text will come from +353 86 180 3392;

Checklist. For Personal Credit Cards the text will come from +353 86 180 3392

Checklist. For Commercial Credit Cards the text will come from +353 86 180 0846

We may need to phone you following this text, to confirm activity on your credit or debit card. This phone call may come from 01 771 5725.


Man carrying boxes while looking at his phone.

Stay safe

Take these steps before making any financial decisions or giving any personal information to anyone:

Letter S.     Stop
     Think and ask yourself - What? Who? Why? Do I feel rushed to act?

Letter A.     Assess
     Make sure the person contacting you is genuine.

Letter F.     Factcheck
     Check if the information you’re being given is real. Banks won’t ask you to provide all of your login details or tell you to not login for a few                 days.

Letter E.     Expose
     Contact your personal bank for advice.

Further reading

Woman on her phone.

Common frauds and scams

The best way to stay safe from financial crime is learning about the different fraud and scam types and how to recognise them

Read more about common fraud

Woman smiling while holding her phone.

How to stay safe

Read quick tips on how to protect yourself from frauds and scams.

Learn how to protect yourself

Think you have been scammed?