Invoice Finance Form


AIB Invoice Finance offers you a solution through confidential Invoice Discounting, the most common form of invoice finance. Invoice discounting is a working capital facility, designed to smooth cashflow and provide flexible finance that grows directly in line with your own sales growth. In simple terms it converts outstanding trade debts into cash, which in turn can enable business expansion.

Working in partnership with you AIB’s team of Invoice Discounting specialists will help you realise your business’ potential using their Invoice Discounting product.

If you would like further information on Invoice Finance and would like to talk with a member of our team, please enter your details below and we will contact you shortly. Alternatively call us at + 3531 772 4488 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).

The personal information provided by you to AIB Group on this screen will be held and used solely for the purpose of calling you as requested and will not be retained thereafter.