How do I cancel a Standing Order?
iBusiness Banking (iBB)
Log in to iBB.
Click 'Standing Orders’ on the left hand navigation bar.
Click on ‘Manage’, the ‘Manage Standing Orders - Active’ screen will be displayed showing a list of active standing orders. Select the required account from the Account dropdown list at the top of the screen.
To cancel a particular Standing Order, click on the Standing Order you want to cancel from the list and the ‘Cancel’ button will become active.
Click ‘Cancel’ and you will be directed to the ‘Cancel Standing Order’ screen.
Enter the requested One Time Code (OTC) from your AIB Digipass and select ‘Confirm’. You will then be presented with a confirmation message confirming that you have successfully cancelled the Standing Order. Click ‘OK’ to be redirected to the ‘Manage Standing Orders - Active’ screen.
AIB Internet Banking
1. Log in to AIB Internet Banking
2. Select Pay & Transfer
3. Click on Standing Orders and select the option to cancel
4. Follow the instructions to compete your cancellation request
Standing order amendments can take up to a maximum of 3 business days to be processed.