Thank you for choosing AIBIt’s easy to open an account with us.
Sole traders: |
If you want to open a Sole Trader current account for yourself you can fill in the form below and we will send you an electronic application that uses the safe, secure DocuSign system. After you Apply: We will open your account within five business days. You’ll know it’s done when we email you with the next steps, which is for you to give proof of ID, address, and a sample signature in a branch. Once you prove your identity in branch, then your account is ready to use. |
If you want to open a Partnership current account, you can fill in the form below and we will send you an electronic application that uses the safe, secure DocuSign system. We’ll send the application first to one of you for signing and then to the second partner. You’ll need to agree what type of account you want, if you want debit cards and who signs to allow payments from the account (both, or just one of you). After you apply: We will open your account within five business days. You’ll know it’s done when we email you with the next steps which is for both partners to give proof of ID, address, and a sample signature in a branch. This doesn’t have to be the same branch, or at the same time. Once you both prove your identity in branch, then your account is ready to use. |
Company: |
If you want to open a company current account, you can fill in the form below and we will send you an electronic application form that uses the safe, secure DocuSign system. This option is open to any Limited Company (LTD), Designated Activity Company (DAC) or Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG):
You can nominate any person to help you complete the application form. This person will become the administrator and they will receive the application form first. They can be a director, company secretary or any other person. They fill in the application form before it gets sent to a director for signing and then to a second director or company secretary. Only directors of the company and the company secretary can accept the terms and sign the application form. You’ll need to agree what type of account you want, if you want debit cards and who is authorised to sign to allow payments from the account. You will also need to download, sign and send us a specimen signature form which we use to check signed instructions. Before you apply, you will also need to register the details of the beneficial owners on the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial Provident Societies ( After you apply: We will email you with the next steps within five business days.
These steps do not need to be done in the same branch or at the same time. Once you prove your identity in branch, we will do one final check of everything which can take up to ten business days. |
All other entity Types: |
Fill in the form below and we will schedule an appointment in your local branch. |
Getting started: |
The first step is to fill out this form to tell us what type of account suits your needs. If you would like to use our switching process, you can learn more on our dedicated switching webpage here. |
If you need help there are other supports here as well