Important Information about Statements

Important information: You can avoid incurring surcharge interest, referral item charges and unpaid item charges by ensuring that your account operates within your sanctioned limit, or in credit.

Important Information about Statements

1.   In certain circumstances, an amount appearing in this statement as a debit or credit entry may be reversed, cancelled or reduced by the Bank on final posting and the balance must be construed accordingly.

2.  The items shown on this statement should be verified and the Bank notified promptly of any discrepancy.

*3.  The payment by the Bank at debit of this account of any item which would have the effect of creating an unauthorised debit balance, or of increasing the debit balance on the account to an amount in excess of the authorised limit, will not thereafter commit the Bank to paying any further item to such amount.

*4.  Unauthorised and excess borrowings, and overdue repayments attract interest at the Bank’s surcharge rate in addition to the applicable interest rate.

5.  The Bank’s fees and charges will be debited to the account. See the Bank’s booklet on fees and charges available at all branches and at

6.  Deposit account interest, where applicable, will be subject to deduction of Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT), which is subject to variation.

7.  The payment of credit interest is subject to the terms and conditions of the account.

8.  Borrowings are subject to the terms of the relevant Sanction or Credit Agreement.

**9.   All Business Borrowers are offered the option of an annual review meeting in relation to all facilities and security. Borrowers should contact their branch to arrange a meeting.