Choose the policy that’s right for you
Choose from 3 levels of cover – Comprehensive, Third Party Fire & Theft or Third Party Only.
Third Party Only
Call 0818 27 26 25 |
Third party, Fire & Theft
Monthly Direct Debit at no extra cost - Pay a 15% deposit upfront and the balance of your premium in monthly instalments and at no extra cost |
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75% No Claims Discount - If you’ve been claims free for 5 years or more |
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Accident forgiveness - Stepback No Claims Discount so you won’t lose your full discount if you have an accident, or if someone makes a claim against you. |
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Drive other cars - Your cover extends to you driving other cars you don’t own, with the owner’s permission. You must be over 25 years. |
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Travel Europe - Up to 90 days in the UK and other EU/EEA countries. |
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Medical expenses and emergency treatments - Up to €200 per person. |
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Replacement Car - 7 days car hire while your car is being repaired by an approved repairer. |
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Pick-up and Delivery - We pick up your damaged car, provide a courtesy car, and deliver your car back to you when it’s fixed. Includes a lifetime guarantee on parts. |
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Excess-free claims on fire and theft claims |
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Personal belongings - Up to €750 and a claim won’t affect your No Claims Discount |
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Replacement locks - Up to €750 |
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Fire brigade services - Up to €1500 |
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Uninsured driver promise - Claim Without Blame - if an identified uninsured driver hits your car, you won’t lose your No Claims Discount. |
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Accidental damage or loss of your car |
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Windscreen cover | ✓ | ||
Misfuelling Cover - We will arrange for a specialist roadside vehicle to drain and flush the fuel tank. |
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Child Seats - We will pay up to €600 cover for loss or damage to child seats and related equipment. |
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Electric Vehicle Charging Points -Cover for accidental damage to home-charging points, up to €650. |
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AIB Car Insurance Policies
For full details on all of the features and benefits along with all of the limits and exclusions that apply, please visit our Document Library. For details on remunerations, please visit our insurance remunerations page.
Car Insurance Frequently Asked Questions
Common queries
Does this policy cover me to drive other people’s cars?
Generally, AIB Car insurance policies cover the policyholder to drive other cars*. The level of cover is determined by whether you have third party cover or comprehensive cover on your policy.
If you have third party insurance, this cover applies when driving other cars in respect of your legal responsibility to others.
Additionally, if you have comprehensive insurance you are covered for loss of or damage to the car you are driving. The most we will pay under this extended cover is €75,000.
*For cover to apply you must be over 25 and you must have the owner’s permission to drive the car. You are only covered if the car does not belong to or is not hired or leased under a hire purchase or leasing agreement, to you, your husband, wife, partner or employer.
Terms and conditions apply. For full details on all of the features and benefits along with all of the limits and exclusions that apply, please visit our Document Library. For details on remunerations, please visit our insurance remunerations page
What is Accident Forgiveness & how does it work?
With our Accident Forgiveness feature, you can keep some of your no claims discount if you have an accident, or if someone makes a claim against you.
If a claim has been made or has arisen, your no claims discount may be reduced at the next renewal in accordance with the step-back scale applicable at the time of the renewal. The step-back scale can be seen in the policy booklet available in our Document Library.
If you make two or more claims in the previous insurance year, we will reduce your no claims discount to 0% .
We will reduce your no claims discount to 0% if you make a claim and the driver is convicted of dangerous driving or charged with drink-driving or a drug offence in connection with the same incident.
For full details on this feature along with all of the limits and exclusions that apply, please read the full policy booklet available in our Document Library.
How do I make a claim?
The easiest way is to ring us on 0818 27 26 25. We will handle everything and try to make things as painless as possible.
What’s an excess?
If you claim for accidental damage or glass replacement, you have to pay the first portion of any claim. The amount you pay is called an excess. Please check your policy schedule to find out the amount of your excess.
Can I cancel my policy at any time?
You can cancel your policy at any time. If you request cancellation within 14 working days of the date upon which we inform you the policy has been incepted, we will refund the full premium. If you cancel after 14 working days, you will be refunded based on the unused days left to run on the policy, less an administration fee, provided you have not claimed or been involved in any incident likely to result in a claim during the current period of insurance.
We will not refund an amount less than €15 after we charge the administration fee. To cancel the policy, just advise us by phone or in writing and return your certificate of insurance and Insurance Disc to us.
If you wish have any further queries regarding cancelation please call 0818 27 26 25 Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm and Saturday 10am - 2pm.
If I use my car to drive to or from work (or during the working day) am I breaking the social, domestic and pleasure wording on my certificate?
Your policy will cover your journey to and from work. If you use it in connection with your work, please contact us to make sure you are protected.
How do I make a complaint?
If you are not happy with the service we give you, contact your branch. If you are still unhappy, contact our customer care team on 0818 27 26 25
How do I provide my driver number to AXA for my AIB Car Insurance policy?
AXA, who underwrite the policy, need the driver number of each driver who is named on your car insurance policy (i.e. you and your named drivers). This is to ensure they’re compliant with an upcoming change to Road Traffic legislation that will affect the renewal of car insurance policies. When this legislation is enacted (the effective date is yet to be confirmed), you won’t be able to renew your car insurance policy without this information. You need to provide AXA with your driver number(s) to avoid delays at your renewal in 2024.
Simply click here (which will bring you to the AXA website) and follow the on-screen instructions to enter your driver number and the driver numbers of everyone else covered by your insurance policy. You will need to have your policy number and car registration number to hand. You can find these in your policy documents.
A guide on how to find your driver number for licenses outside of Ireland is contained in the on-screen instructions.
If you have any questions, you can call the AIB Insurance team in AXA on 0818 27 26 25 between 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, or between 10:00 to 14:00 on Saturday.
Benefits & Exclusions
What am I not covered for?
You are not covered for wear and tear, routine mechanical faults, loss in value, punctures or tyre damage and parking, speeding fines and so on.
What's the difference between Comprehensive and Third Party, fire & theft cover?
With Third Party Fire & Theft you are covered for:
- Damage to your car by fire or theft (fire and theft claims will not reduce your no claims discount)
- Any claims or expenses arising from legal action brought against you following a road accident. There is no limit on the amount of personal injury claim settlements we pay on your behalf. If you damage someone else’s property, there is a limit of €30 million.
In addition, with Comprehensive cover you are also covered for:
- Accidental damage to your car
- Malicious damage or vandalism
- Windscreen repair or replacement cover
- Misfuelling cover
- Accidental damage to electric vehicle home-charging points
- Loss/damage to child car seats & equipment
- Injury to Driver cover - for serious injuries or death
What does windscreen cover provide?
Glass cover is automatic if you have comprehensive insurance. You can add it to a Third Party or Third Party Fire and Theft policy for an additional premium.
We will cover the cost of having your glass replaced or repaired. This includes replacing or repairing broken or damaged windscreens and windows of your car. An excess of €25 applies when glass is replaced.
If you have glass breakage cover and want to make a claim, you must telephone us on 0818 27 26 25 before any repair/replacement work is carried out.
If you use one of our nominated repairers cover will be unlimited.
If you use your own repairer, cover will be limited to €400 for replacement glass or €50 for a repair.
I have lost my car keys. Am I covered?
If you have comprehensive or third party, fire & theft cover and your keys were taken from your home by burglars, we will pay up to €750 to get new keys or an alarm remote control made up. Otherwise your policy does not cover you.
If I leave my keys in the ignition and my car is stolen am I covered?
No. Loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft if the keys (or keyless entry system) are left unsecured or left in or on an unattended car is not covered.
If my car is a write-off how do you work out the value?
We will give you the market value of your car (less the policy excess) unless you have previously purchased depreciation cover.
What if it’s a new car?
If you have comprehensive or third party fire & theft car insurance cover and your car was bought new, is less than 12 months old and the cost of repairs is more than 60% of the replacement cost, we will pay for a new identical model.
What is misfuelling cover?
Misfuelling is when you put petrol into a diesel car, or vice versa. This can be harmful to the engine and usually requires some repair work. With our comprehensive insurance, we provide misfuelling cover. We will arrange for a specialist roadside vehicle to drain and flush your fuel tank.
Driver Options
Can I make a saving by insuring more than one car with AIB?
AIB offer multi Car Insurance in Ireland to protect more than one car in your household at the same time.
We know that life can be incredibly busy – that’s why we’ve made insuring a number of your household’s cars for you and your partner quick and convenient.
You get a great 15% discount when you insure more than one vehicle for you and your partner at the same time.
How can I be sure who can or cannot drive my car?
The easiest way is to read your certificate of insurance. Paragraph Six will clearly explain who can drive. Other drivers will be named or described.
Do you provide cover for Electric Vehicles?
Yes, all of our Car Insurance policies provide cover for Electric & Hybrid vehicles as standard.
Additionally, our comprehensive policy includes cover for accidental damage to home-charging points, up to €650.
What if someone wants to claim off me?
Contact us and we will handle everything. Do not reply to any correspondence – instead, pass it on to us.
Can you settle a claim without my agreement?
Yes, but we would only do so if absolutely necessary.
How does the no claims discount work?
For every year where you do not claim on the policy (up to 5 years), we will give you a discount. The maximum no claims discount is 75%. If you claim you could lose some or all of this.
Can I protect my maximum no claims discount?
Yes, you can protect your no claims discount for a small extra charge. With this cover you can make one claim of any type, up to any value, in a three year period and NOT lose your no claims discount, so that your next premium will not be affected.
The following claims will not affect your no claims discount;
- Fire
- Theft (or attempted theft)
- Windscreen/glass breakage
- Loss/damage to personal belongings
- Fire brigade charges
- Replacement locks
- Misfuelling
- Accidental damage to electric vehicle home-charging points
- Loss/damage to child car seats & equipment
Although you can protect your no-claims discount, your premium may increase if:
- You make unreasonably large or excessive claims.
- You receive motoring convictions.
What claims do not affect my no claims discount?
The following claims will not affect your no claims discount;
- Fire
- Theft (or attempted theft)
- Windscreen/glass breakage
- Loss/damage to personal belongings
- Fire brigade charges
- Replacement locks
- Misfuelling
- Accidental damage to electric vehicle home-charging points
- Loss/damage to child car seats & equipment
Replacement Car, Car Rescue & Theft
I need to get my car repaired as soon as possible and in the meantime I need a replacement car. How do I make this happen?
If you use an AXA approved repairer, your car will be repaired (with a 3 year guarantee on parts) in the fastest possible time and, in the meantime, we will provide you with a replacement car for a maximum of 7 days.
In simple terms what is Car Rescue?
If your car breaks down or just won’t start, one phone call to our Car Rescue centre will put things right. We’ll send a mechanic to help you. If things can’t be fixed on the spot, we will tow your car to a repairer and, if needs be, help you to complete your journey.
Our Car Rescue also covers electric vehicles for energy failure – which means any failure of the battery because there is insufficient charge to operate the vehicle.
What can I do if I locked myself out of my car?
If you have bought Car and Key Rescue, we can help you. We will pay for one hours labour to get into your vehicle.
My car was stolen what do I do?
You must tell us and the Gardaí. As long as you have theft cover, we will give you the market value of your car if it is not recovered.