Projected/Net Interest Information
What is Projected Interest at Maturity (Net/Gross)?
'Projected Interest at Maturity (Net/Gross)' is the estimated amount of interest you will earn at the end of the term. This figure is for illustrative purposes only and will display as 'Net' or 'Gross' depending on whether you have satisfied the conditions for Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT) exemption.
What is Interest Earned to Date (Net/Gross)?
'Interest Earned to Date (Net/Gross)' is the actual interest which has accumulated to date but not yet paid to the account. This figure will display as 'Net' or 'Gross' depending on whether you have satisfied the conditions for Deposit Interest Retention (DIRT) exemption.
"This figure is for illustrative purposes only and is based on your current DIRT status and the prevailing rate of DIRT."