Detailed Sustainability Report for 2023

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Complete

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 – Complete

We have published our annual Detailed Sustainability Report for the year ended 31 December 2023. Read more about our progress and journey to date

Sustainability Report 2023 – Introduction

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 – Introduction

Progressing our sustainability agenda is a strategic priority for AIB and is a core tenet of our corporate strategy.

We continue to play our part to ensure a greener tomorrow by backing those building it today. We have made ambitious commitments to play a central role in supporting our customers, colleagues, and many other stakeholders on this journey.

Open disclosure and accountability promote trust and confidence among stakeholders, and so we are committed to building our corporate sustainability disclosures year-on-year.

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 – Climate & Environmental

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 – Climate & Environmental Action

We provide responsible green finance, investments and advice to drive structural change and support the transition to a low-carbon future.

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Societal & Workforce Progress

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Societal & Workforce Progress

We are striving to be a positive influence on society and to make a positive economic contribution, improving the lives of people and their communities and helping to build a brighter and fairer future.

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Governance & Responsible Business

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Governance & Responsible Business 

We will pride ourselves on acting responsibly, with integrity and transparency, while embedding ESG capabilities and measures at the heart of our business.

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Reporting

Detailed Sustainability Report 2023 - Reporting

Click here to visit the relevant data tables covering our disclosures including Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking and the independent assurance of the Detailed Sustainability Report 2023.