What is Selfie Check?

Selfie Check uses facial biometrics to verify your identity via the AIB Mobile app. We use the latest technology to recognise the things that make your face unique, so we know it’s you in control of your money. 
Selfie Check allows you to make once off payments up to €5,000 on the AIB Mobile App. If you use AIB Internet Banking, please hang onto your AIB Card Reader.
Once you’re enrolled, you can make payments up to €5,000 using Selfie Check.

Enrolling for Selfie Check

To enrol, you’ll need to take a photo of yourself that will be safely stored on the AIB database. It will only be used by us to make sure it’s you making your payments on the AIB Mobile App.
  1. Open the app and tap 'Settings' 
  2. Tap ‘Security and access’ from the menu
  3. Tap ‘Selfie Check’ and ‘Enrol’
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to enrol for Selfie Check
The facial biometrics we collect will be stored by AIB and only be used to make sure it’s you on the AIB Mobile App. 

Using Selfie Check

When we ask you to use Selfie Check while making payments we’re checking that it’s really you. The process is simple:
  1. You’ll be asked to present your face to the camera 
  2. We compare your face to the Selfie pic that you took when you enrolled
  3. If your face matches then you can make your payment

Questions about Selfie Check