Fees and charges for AIB Business Accounts
How we charge fees:
We calculate account fees quarterly on the last working Friday of February, May, August, and November. Fees are charged to customer accounts in March, June, September and December. The fee will be charged on the 28th or where the 28th is not a business day, the next business day.
If in any quarter the fees and charges exceed €10.00, we will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the amount being charged at least ten business days before they are charged. A breakdown of amounts of €10.00 or less is available on request.
We also calculate fees and charges when your account closes.
When you open our Business Start-up Current Account, for the first two years we'll waive the maintenance and transactions fees, excluding cash handling fees. Cash handling fees up to a maximum discount of €100 per fee quarter.
The types of fees charged on your Business Account
There are two types of fees and charges:
- The fees we charge:
- Account Fees
- Service Charges.
- The fees the government charges, such as stamp duty
There are certain Government charges which the Bank is obliged by law to collect from you. Government charges are debited to your account even if you qualify for free account transactions.
For full information
For full details of the fees and charges that apply to our Personal Current Accounts, see our brochures below. These are also available in all our AIB branches.
A Guide to Business Fees and Charges – this will provide you with all the information you need to understand all the fees and charges associated with your account.
Schedule of International Transaction Charges – to see a full list of what you can expect to pay for international transactions.