We can help if you need support to open an account
If you, or someone you are caring for, needs help opening an account, call us on 0818 227 056 9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. We’ll talk through your situation and make an appointment in one of our branches if you need it. Let us know if you need any particular support at the meeting.
Our easy read ‘Banking How To’ guide will let you know what to expect and help you to prepare for your appointment.
You will need to bring documents to show who you are and where you live. You can find a list of these documents here. If you have difficulty getting these documents, bring what you have, and we will work through it with you
Opening an account with the help of a family member or carer
You may want someone you trust to support you with opening an account. If so, we would like to meet both of you together.
The Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland have a Guide to Safeguarding Your Money available here. It might be useful to talk through this Guide in advance with your supporter
Opening an account when you cannot visit a Branch
If you find it difficult to visit a branch, call us on 0818 227 056 between 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays, and we will do our best to find a way to help.
Opening an account using your smartphone
There is another easy way to open an account if you’re happy to use a smartphone. You can open an account if you:
- have a Passport which is in date
- are over 16 years of age
- can manage a video call
You just need to download the AIB Mobile Banking App from the Apple Store or Google Play Store and select the option to ‘Become an AIB customer’.
Opening an account on behalf of someone you are caring for
If the person you are caring for needs help and can engage with us, let us know and we can support you both. Call us on 0818 227 056, 9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.
We need you to have legal authority to open an account on behalf of someone else. If you have legal authority to open an account for another person, please bring the authority (for example, Enduring Power of Attorney or Decision Making Representative Order) to your local branch.
If you are the parent or guardian of a person under 18 years who needs an account, let us know and we will discuss banking options with you.
Decision Support Service
The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act, introduced a legal framework for people over 18 who need support with decision making and set up the Decision Support Service.
If you, or someone you are caring for, would benefit from a support arrangement, information is available from the Decision Support Service at:
website: Decision support website (https://decisionsupportservice.ie)
Phone: 01 2119750
Ways to get in touch
0818 227 056