Personal Fixed Term Deposit Interest Rates

Rates applicable from 23 January 2025.

A.E.R. is the Annual Equivalent Rate. Interest is subject to Deposit Interest Retention Tax (D.I.R.T), where applicable, at the prevailing fixed rate on the day interest is paid.

More detailed information on DIRT.


Minimum Balance




Gross Return at Maturity %

Personal Fixed Term Deposit


6 Months
1 Year 2.25% 2.25% 2.25%
2 Years 2.75% 2.77% 5.58%
The above rate is indicative and subject to change without notice, this rate will apply to balances from €5,000. Rate applies to personal balances only. For other offers, please contact your branch.
A.E.R. is the Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if the interest was compounded and paid each year (instead of monthly or over any other period). Interest is subject to Deposit Interest Retention Tax (D.I.R.T), where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the day interest is paid.


Fixed Term Deposit Account Example (for illustration purposes only):
An investment of €50,000 for 1 year (365 days) @2.25% annual rate will earn an approximate gross return of €1125.00 i.e. €50,000 x 2.25% / 365 x 365 = €1125.00 Interest may be subject to D.I.R.T, at the prevailing rate.


Further information on our deposit product offering.