How can I transfer money abroad?
AIB Internet Banking
Log in to AIB Internet Banking.
Select Pay & Transfer
Click on International Payment.
Follow the instructions to complete your request.
You will need your AIB Card Reader.
You'll need to have the following information for the receiving account to complete your request:
The name and address of the person to whom you are transferring the funds
The account number or IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
The Business Identifier Code (BIC)* or the full name and address of the foreign bank branch where the receiving account is held
*BIC is not required for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payments within the Eurozone.
To re-use International payment details, go to your Payment Logs which can be found in the Accounts menu. If the payment status is 'complete', click on the 're-use' button on the right hand side. Follow the instructions to complete your request.
Find out more information about International Payments.
In Your Branch
Visit the Quick Banking Area where you can use the Kiosk.
AIB Mobile App
(Transfers only for SEPA Zones)
1. Log into AIB Mobile app.
2.Click the Pay & Transfer menu.
3. In the Pay and Transfer menu select ‘Pay another account”.
4.Select the account to debit.
5. Select ‘Pay Someone New’
6. The country of Payment prefills to ‘Ireland’ so use drop down to select country of payee’s bank and enter the Payee Details - ‘Full Name’ and ‘IBAN’ and select ‘Continue’.
7. Follow the instructions on screen to complete your request.