Credit and Debit Cards FAQ's
Helpful tips for credit or debit card users if your card didn’t work
- There’s a problem with the terminal
- There’s a problem with your card
- You might have reached the contactless limit on your card and for security reasons you will need to insert your card and complete a chip and PIN transaction
- You might have entered the wrong PIN
- You may not have enough money in your account
What you can do?
- Try to make the payment using the payment app on your device, if available on your card/device
- Insert your card and do a chip and PIN transaction, if the terminal allows it
- Ensure you have enough money in your account, you can check your balance on online banking
- If you forget the PIN, you can order a PIN reminder through our internet banking service, or you can call us and we can order you one. You can also see the PIN of your debit card in our mobile app
- Try to make payment with another card, if you have one
- Try booking services (e.g. purchasing tickets) online in advance, if this is an option
If you're still having a problem with your card:
- You can order a new one through our internet banking or the mobile app
- Or you can call us, and we can order a new one for you. Contact details below
What are the Personal Credit Card and Debit Card services available through AIB Internet Banking?
Credit Card:
Apply for a Credit Card via AIB Internet Banking*
Add Authorised User
Add/Adjust Direct Debit*
Request a replacement Credit Card*
Temporarily Freeze your Credit Card
Report a Credit Card as Lost or Stolen
Request a PIN reminder for your Credit Card*
View your Credit Card Terms & Conditions
Request a copy of Transaction Voucher/Record*
Change Credit Card address*
Debit Card:
Temporarily Freeze your Debit Card
Report a Debit Card as Lost or Stolen
Request a PIN reminder for your Debit Card*
Request a replacement Debit Card*
* You will need an AIB Code Card or AIB Card Reader to apply for a Credit Card and for the services above marked with an asterisk.
What Personal Credit Cards can I apply for through AIB Internet Banking?
You can apply for the following Credit Cards through AIB Internet Banking:
CLICK Visa Card
'be' Visa/Mastercard
AIB Platinum Visa Card
AIB Student Mastercard
When will I know if my Personal Credit Card application has been successful?
If your Credit Card application is successful both your PIN and your Credit Card will be sent to you separately by post within 5 business days. We will write to you within 5 business days if your application has been unsuccessful.
When is Government Stamp Duty charged on credit cards?
The tax year for credit cards runs from 1st of January to the 31st of December. It’s collected in January in arrears (meaning you are paying from the previous January 1st to 31st of December).
If the card is closed during this period, then you pay this tax when closing the card account.
If I switch to AIB from another credit card provider, do I pay stamp duty twice?
If you switched your credit card provider to us from another bank, they will have charged you Government Stamp Duty on closure. You should ask your previous provider for a letter of closure, confirming that Government Stamp Duty was paid on the old card, for the period in question (Refer to FAQ above for current charging period ) and send it to us. You will then not be charged stamp duty by us for that period.
Can I set-up a Direct Debit to pay my Personal Credit Card bill after I receive my card?
Yes, it is possible to set-up a Direct Debit to your Credit Card account at any stage
To do this simply:
Log in to AIB Internet Banking
Click 'Manage My Accounts' on the left of the screen
Click the 'My Credit Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
Select the Credit Card you would like to update
Under 'More Available Options' click 'Set up Direct Debit'
The Direct Debit set-up screen will be displayed. Once you have completed the required information, click the next button
Enter the code from your AIB Code Card or AIB Card Reader to confirm your Direct Debit details
You will then be returned to the confirmation screen with a message to confirm that you have successfully set-up your Direct Debit
Please Note: Direct Debits will take effect after 2 business days, therefore if your current statement payment due date falls within the next 2 business days your new Direct Debit will not be effective for payment until your next Credit Card statement payment due date. You can find the payment due date on your most recent statement. You should check this date before setting up a Direct Debit online to pay your Credit Card bill.
Can I adjust my AIB Personal Credit Card account Direct Debit through AIB Internet Banking?
Yes, you can increase or decrease your monthly Direct Debit amounts or change the account from which your Direct Debit payment is taken.
To do this simply:Log in to AIB Internet Banking
Click 'Manage My Accounts' on the left of the screen
Click 'My Credit Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
Select the Credit Card you would like to update
Under 'More Available Options' click 'Amend Direct Debit'
Enter the code from your AIB Code Card or AIB Card Reader
Your existing Direct Debit details will be displayed. Once you have amended your details, click the next button
You will then be returned to the confirmation screen with a message to confirm that you have successfully adjusted your Direct Debit
Please Note: Direct Debits will take effect after 2 business days, therefore if your current statement payment due date falls within the next 2 business days your Direct Debit adjustment will not be effective for payment until your next Credit Card statement payment due date. You can find the payment due date on your most recent statement. You should check this date before adjusting a Direct Debit online.
What is the Payment Due Date?
This is the date by which the minimum payment should reach your account.
What is DD Plus?
DD Plus (Direct Debit Plus) means that, as a customer of AIB, you can sign up for a Direct Debit using methods other than a paper mandate form, for example by using the Internet or telephone.
What is the Direct Debit Guarantee?
The Direct Debit Guarantee is a guarantee provided by AIB as a member of the Direct Debit scheme, in which banks and Originators of Direct Debits participate.
If you authorise payment by direct debit then:
Your Direct Debit originator will notify you in advance of the amounts to be debited to your account
Your bank will accept and pay such debits, provided that your account has sufficient available funds
If it is established that an unauthorised Direct Debit is charged to your account you are guaranteed a prompt refund by your bank of the amount so charged.
You can cancel the Direct Debit instruction by writing to your bank in good time or alternatively you may contact us by telephone at 01 6685500 or outside Ireland +353 1 6685500.
What is the Direct Debit OIN?
When signing up for Direct Debits online, the Originator Identification Number (OIN) is displayed on the screen for information purposes only. The OIN is the Direct Debit Originator Identification Number, a 6-digit reference number assigned to AIB under the DD Plus scheme and used to identify AIB as the originator when processing Direct Debit payments.
How do I cancel a Direct Debit on my Personal Credit Card Account?
You can cancel the Direct Debit instruction by writing to your bank in good time or alternatively you may contact us by telephone at 01 6685500.
Do I have to set up a Direct Debit on my Personal Credit Card Account?
No, however Direct Debits are mandatory on a Student Mastercard account.
How can I access my eStatements?
To access your eStatements,
Log into AIB Internet Banking using your 8 digit Registration Number and 3 random digits from your Personal Access Code (PAC). Periodically, a third security question may be requested at login stage on Internet Banking.To view your eStatements please follow the steps below:
- Click on Accounts and select My Statements
- Select the view icon under ‘View eStatements’ in order to see your statements for that account
- A screen listing the available eStatements will be displayed to you
- When you have finished viewing your eStatement, for security, make sure you close the eStatement browser window as it will not automatically close when you log out of AIB Internet Banking.
Your eStatements will be available for viewing online as often as you receive them by post. With effect from the 28th of October 2015, Credit Card eStatements issued from the 21st of October 2014 will be available to view for up to 7 years. -
I received a text message to tell me that my eStatement is ready online.
We will send a text alert when your eStatement is available online and to tell you the date your Credit Card payment is due and the amount of the payment. This text alert will come from 'AIB'.
I want to opt out of receiving text messages
That’s ok, however, that means receiving paper statements in lieu of an eStatement alert. If you want to stop receiving these alert messages, just log in to Phone and Internet Banking using your registration number and 5 digit PAC, select Accounts and My Statements. Here, you can switch paper statements back on using the On/Off toggle. Once you switch your paper statements back on, you’ll have opted out of eStatement text alerts.
How will signing up for Credit Card eStatements affect my payment due date?
Your payment due date will remain unaffected by signing up for Credit Card eStatements. It will continue to be clearly displayed on your eStatement and you must continue to ensure that you make your payment by this date.
You will have the option to set-up a Direct Debit online to pay your Personal Credit Card bill.
When setting up a Direct Debit online to pay your Credit Card bill, you should check to see when your next payment date is due. You can find this date on your most recent statement.
If your current payment due date falls within the next 2 business days then your current payment must be made by an alternative method. The new Direct Debit will not take effect in time for this payment.
If your payment due date is more than 2 business days from the date you set-up the new Direct Debit online, then your current payment will be made by Direct Debit.
How can I make my Personal Credit Card payment?
As you will no longer receive your paper statement in the post it is recommended that you sign-up for payment by Direct Debit.
Alternatively you can pay your Credit Card bill by clicking on the 'Transfers & Payments' link in AIB Internet Banking or via the Automated Self Service option by phoning 0818 724 724. You will need to use a code from your AIB Code Card or AIB Card Reader to complete any of the above.
How do I report my Credit or Debit Card lost or stolen?
If your card has been lost or stolen it is extremely important that you report this as soon as possible. Follow the steps below to report your card lost or stolen:
1. Log in to AIB Internet Banking
2. Click 'Manage My Accounts' on left side of the screen
3. Click the 'My Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
4. Select the card you would like to report as lost or stolen
5. Select Report your Card as lost or stolen and follow the stepsWhere applicable a new card will be automatically ordered for you. If a new card has not been automatically ordered for you, you will be advised on screen. When reporting a Credit Card as lost or stolen you will also have the option of ordering a new PIN or retaining your existing one.
Can I report a card as lost or stolen for the Authorised User on my Personal Credit Card?
Once a card has been reported as lost or stolen by the Primary Card holder or the Authorised User both cards will automatically be cancelled.
Can I request a replacement Credit Card?
If your Card is damaged you can request a replacement of your existing Credit Card
Log in to AIB Internet Banking
Click 'Manage My Accounts' on the left of the screen
Click the 'My Credit Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
Select the Credit Card you would like to replace
Under 'More Available Options' select 'Request Replacement Card' and follow the steps
Will I receive a new PIN with my Replacement Card?
Your existing PIN is still valid with your replacement card. Should you require a reminder of your current PIN you can do so through the pin reminder Service on AIB Internet Banking if your Credit Card is registered.
Can I request a replacement card for the Authorised User on my Personal Credit Card account?
No, you can only request a replacement card for yourself through AIB Internet Banking. An Authorised User can request a replacement card by logging into their AIB Internet Banking profile, if they are registered.
What should I do with my existing card when I receive my replacement card?
Upon receipt of your replacement card you should cut your existing card in two (through the signature box, magnetic strip and Chip) and return them to AIB Card Issuing FREEPOST PO Box 708, Sandyford, Dublin 18
Can I request a PIN reminder for my Personal Credit Card account?
You can request a PIN reminder by logging in to AIB Internet Banking
Click 'Manage My Accounts' on the left of the screen
Click the 'My Credit Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
Select the Credit Card you would like to update
Under 'More Available Options' select 'Request a PIN Reminder'
Can I request a PIN reminder for the Authorised User on my Personal Credit Card account?
No, you can only request a PIN reminder for yourself through AIB Internet Banking. An Authorised User can request a PIN reminder by logging into their AIB Internet Banking profile if they are registered.
Can I request a PIN reminder for my Personal Debit Card?
No, you cannot request a PIN reminder for your Personal Debit Card on AIB Internet Banking. To do this you will need to contact your AIB branch or contact a Customer Service Adviser on 0818 724 724 or when abroad +353 1 771 2424.
Can I view the Terms and Conditions of my Personal Credit Card?
You can view the Terms and Conditions of your existing Credit Card by logging in to AIB Internet Banking.
Click 'Manage My Accounts' on the left of the screen
Click the 'My Credit Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
Select the Credit Card you would like to view
Under 'More Available Options' select 'View Credit Card Terms and Conditions'
Please Note: you then need to select the Terms and Conditions for your card type from the list.
What is a Copy Voucher?
A Copy Voucher is a copy of the transaction receipt from the retailer showing the transaction details.
Is there a Copy Voucher fee?
Yes, a Copy Voucher Fee will be applied to your Credit Card account for each Copy Voucher sent to you. Please click here for the list of fees.
How do I request a Copy Voucher?
You can request a Copy Voucher by logging in to AIB Internet Banking selecting 'statements' in the left menu and clicking the 'request a Copy Voucher' at the top of your Credit Card transactions page. You then select the transaction(s) you wish to request a Copy Voucher(s) for by ticking the check box to the right of the transaction.
What do I do if the transaction I want to query is not displayed?
The transactions displayed have occurred in the last 60 days, up to a maximum of 22 transactions. If you wish to request a copy voucher for a transaction that has occurred in the last 60 days and is not displayed please contact + 353 1 6685500.
Can I change my Personal Credit Card account address through AIB Internet Banking?
You can change your Personal Credit Card account address by logging in to AIB Internet Banking
Click 'Manage My Accounts' on the left of the screen
Click the 'My Credit Card(s)' tab on the top of this page
Select the Credit Card you would like to update
Under 'More Available Options' select 'Change Credit Card Address'
Can I change my address for my other AIB accounts through AIB Internet Banking?
No, you cannot change your address for your other AIB accounts through AIB Internet Banking. To do this you will need to contact your AIB branch or contact a Customer Service Adviser on 0818 724 724 or when abroad +353 1 771 2424. A Code from your AIB Code Card or AIB Card Reader will be required to change your address over the telephone.
Can an Authorised User change the Credit Card address?
No, an Authorised User cannot change the Credit Card address. This service is available to Principal cardholders only.
What is Contactless?
Contactless is the faster way to pay for your purchases quickly and securely. Simply touch and pay for items that cost €30 or less with your card/Android PayTM. For items over €30 you can pay using Android PayTM depending on the retailer.
How do I use Contactless?
Here’s how it works
1 Look for the contactless symbol at the till.
2 Touch to Pay simply hold your card or your mobile device flat against the reader. If using a mobile device you may be required to wake up or unlock it.
3 Go wait for confirmation and you’re done.
How do I activate Contactless?
Card: To activate contactless on your new card, complete a Chip & PIN or ATM transaction and then you’re good to go.
Android Pay: Get the app on the google play store, add your debit or personal credit card and follow the on screen instructions. Once registered, simply wake up your device and hold it against the reader. To find out more go to AIB's android pay page.
Is there fees for using Contactless?
No transaction fees apply to credit cards, for debit cards the transaction fee is waived on contactless transactions until further notice, additional charges may apply when using your card abroad. Foreign currency fees and charges are detailed in our ‘Schedule of International Charges’. These brochures are also available from any AIB Branch.
How do know if I have Contactless on my card?
If there is a Contactless symbol (pictured below) located on the front of your card, then your card is enabled for Contactless payments.
When will Contactless be available on my Credit Card?
Contactless functionality will be available on all new and replacement personal and business credit cards ordered from 27th February 2017.
What is cross border payment regulation?
It is an EU Regulation setting out rules for cross border payments and information to be provided around currency conversion charges within the EU.
Why am I getting a cross border payment regulation text message?
From 12 April 2021 we will send you a text for the first transaction that you make, in a month, in any non-euro European Economic Area (EEA) currency with a merchant, face to face or online, or at an ATM.
What EEA countries do not have a euro currency?
They are Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
Will I be getting a text message every time I transact in a non-euro EEA currency?
No, only the first time in each month. If you transact in another non-euro EEA currency that month, we’ll send you another text message
Which AIB customers will receive a text?
All AIB Credit and Debit cardholders who use their card to make a payment transaction in a non-euro EEA currency.
Can I opt out of receiving these cross border payment regulation texts?
You can opt out of receiving these messages by calling Card Services on +353 1 6685500 and asking them. This number is available 9-5 Monday to Friday.
Will you text me if I make a payment transaction in a currency other than a non-euro EEA currency such as Australian dollar or American dollars?
Did you tell me that this cross border payment regulation was coming down the line?
Yes, we updated our terms and conditions in January 2021 and these changes were communicated to you in October 2020. We also communicated this change to our Debit and Credit cardholders through email.
Will I get a cross border payment regulation text straight after I have made the purchase?
Yes, we will text you immediately after the payment transaction is approved (24 hours a day)
Will I still get a cross border payment regulation text message if I pay in euro even in a non-euro country?
Will I be able to respond to the cross border payment regulation text?
No, it will be a ‘do not respond’ message. There are contact details on if you need to contact us.
Is there an option to cancel the transaction if I get a text and I don’t realise the transaction was in a different currency?
If you wish to cancel your transaction you will need to contact the merchant.
Who will text me about the cross border payment transaction?
The text message will come from AIB. It will not contain any links to click.
What will the cross border payment regulation text look like?
Here is an example text:
For your non-euro transaction we’ll typically charge you X.XX% (variable) over the European Central Bank (ECB) FX rate for this. For more, including how to opt out see our website.
Where can I find the FX rates on
FX rates can be found here: AIB's FX rates page.
Is this cross border payment regulation text for online transactions as well as point of sale and over the phone transactions?
We will text you for all types of payment transactions (online, in person, over the phone and ATM) in a non-euro EEA currency.
Can I opt out of this service
Yes, for credit cards only the primary credit card holder will be able to opt out of receiving these messages. Each debit cardholder on an account can opt out individually.
If I opt out of this cross border payment regulation text message option will it mean I won’t get other texts from AIB about my card?
If you opt out, it will only be about these texts. You will still receive other texts from us about your card.
If someone else is authorised to use my credit card, will they also get a cross border payment regulation text?
No, only the primary cardholder will receive a text message.
If I change my mind will I be able to opt back into receiving these cross border regulation text messages?
Yes, you can opt back in to receiving these text messages by calling Card Services on +353 1 6685500. This number is available 9-5 Monday to Friday.
What is the ECB rate?
The ECB rate is the euro reference exchange rates published by the European Central Bank.
The currency exchange rates for debit cards are available here: AIB's FX rates page.
The currency exchange rates for credit cards are available here: AIB's FX rates page.
Can I still receive the text message if I don’t have an Irish mobile number?
Will I still get the cross border payment regulation text if my address is registered in a country that doesn’t use euro?
Yes, you will still receive the text message if you are using your AIB Debit or Credit card to make non-euro EEA currency transactions.
How come I won’t get a cross border payment regulation text message when I make a purchase from a UK company?
Great Britain is not in the EU anymore.
I got a cross border payment regulation text message but I didn’t make this transaction
Please contact our Fraud Department. Please see our fraud FAQs for more information.
Is the rate on the cross border payment regulation text the exact rate I will be charged?
When you use your Debit or Credit card to pay for something that is not in euro, Visa will convert that payment to euro using the exchange rate that applies on the day the transaction hits your account, which may not be the day of the transaction itself. Please note that this amount may be more or less than the amount stated at the time the transaction was initiated.